Tuesday, October 17, 2017


IN chapter XXVI (pg 170) of this PDF: Etidorhpa or The End of Earth, by Llewellyn Drury & John Uri Lloyd.

"for the molecules of the boat, as a mass, must move onward as the force disappears as a current. Perhaps you can accept now that instead of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation being really modifications of force they are disturbances.”
“Disturbances of what?”
“ Disturbances of motion.”
“Motion of what?”
“ Motion of itself, pure and simple.”
So, what the fuck is this universe? A black hole swirling around a still center of light?

"When men learn to interrupt this unperceived stream of energy so as to change directly into material motion the spirit that saturates the universe, and that produces force expressions, as it is constantly rushing from earth into space, and from space back again, they will have at command wherever they may be an endless source of power, light, and heat; mass motion, light and heat being convertible. Motion lies behind heat, light, and electricity, and produces them, and so long as the earth revolves on its axis, and circles in its orbit, man needs no light and heat from such indirect sources as combustion. Men will, however, yet obtain motion of molecules (heat), and material mass motion as well, from earth motion, without the other dangerous intermediate force expressions now deemed necessary in their production.”

And then mankind can propel the Earth, Sophia, Aphrodite, right back from where she came, into Eleleth, with their fucking minds, and be done with this fucking place!

“ Did not Shakespeare write, 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’ ?”  
“Yes,” I said.
And my guest continued:
“ He might have added, 'and always will be'."

"As an example of the manner in which facts are thus overlooked, in your journey you have been impressed with certain surprising external conditions, or surroundings, and yet are oblivious to conditions more remarkable in your own body. So it is with scientists. They overlook prominent facts that stare them boldly in the face, facts that are so conspicuous as to be invisible by reason of their very nearness.”
“This statement I can not disprove, and therefore must admit under protest. Where there is so much that appears mysterious I may have overlooked some things, but I can scarcely accept that, in ignorance, I have passed conditions in my own organization so marked as this decrease in gravity which has so strikingly been called to my attention.”
“ You have, and to convince you I need only say that you have nearly ceased to breathe, and are unconscious of the fact.”
I stopped short, in momentary alarm, and now that my mind was directed to the fact, I became aware that I did not desire to breathe, and that my chest had ceased to heave with the alternate inhalation and exhalation of former times. I closed my lips firmly, and for a long period there was no desire for breath, then a slight involuntary inhalation followed, and an exhalation, scarcely noticeable, succeeded by a great interval of inaction. I impulsively turned my face toward the passage we had trod; a feeling of alarm possessed me, an uncontrollable, inexpressible desire to flee from the mysterious earth-being beside me, to return to men, and be an earth-surface man again, and I started backward through the chamber we had passed.
The guide seized me by the hand, “ Hold, hold,” he cried; “where would you go, fickle mortal?”

“To the surface,” I shouted; “to daylight again. Unhand me, unearthly-creature, abnormal being, man or devil; have you not inveigled me far enough into occult realms that should be forever sealed from mankind? Have you not taken from me all that men love or cherish, and undone every tie of kith or kin? Have you not led me into paths that the imagination of the novelist dare not conjure, and into experiences that pen in human hand would not venture to describe as possible, until I now stand with my feet on the boundary line that borders..."

"This book explores an unrecognized, but mighty taboo---our tacit conspiracy to ignore who, or what, we really are. Briefly, the thesis is that the prevalent sensation of oneself as a separate ego enclosed in a bag of skin is a hallucination which accords neither with Western science nor with the experimental philosophy-religions of the East, in particular the central and germinal Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism. This hallucination underlies the misuse of technology for the violent subjugation of man's natural environment and, consequently, its eventual destruction. We are therefore in urgent need of a sense of our own existence which is in accord with the physical facts, and which overcomes our feeling of alienation from the universe."

"The amphitheater was fully a thousand feet in diameter, of great height, and the floor was literally alive with grotesque beings. Imagination could not depict an abnormal human form that did not exhibit itself to my startled gaze. One peculiarity now presented itself to my mind; each abnormal part seemed to be created at the expense of the remainder of the body."

What this tells me of Sophia who makes up this planet, is that, at the expense of all the others, she selfishly only wanted what she wanted without allowing anyone in to assist, and therefore, she found herself with a grotesquely formed creation which is abnormal, because of willfull selfishness.

Today, Saturday October 21, 2017 I found two videos by Rex Bear about Hollow Earth:

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